The single-use deposit system

The single-use deposit system

The deposit of 25 cents per container is levied at point of sale on single-use PET bottles and beverage cans with a filling quantity of between 0.1 litres and 3 litres. The deposit is reimbursed when empty containers are returned to a collection point.

Info sheets

Learn more about the single-use deposit system

All single-use PET bottles and aluminium cans used for beverages in Austria will be subject to a deposit from January 2025. What does this means in terms of practical application?

Learn more about the single-use deposit system
Which products will have a deposit on them?

From 1 January 2025, all sealed PET bottles and metal cans with a filling quantity of 0.1 to 3 litres will be subject to a deposit. These are identified by the deposit logo.

Which products are exempt from the deposit system?

The deposit system does not relate to animal milk products, coffee cups and coffee refreshment beverages in a can with a milk proportion in excess of 51 percent.

How do I recognise single-use deposit products?

All drinks containers subject to the single-use deposit are visibly identified with the deposit logo.

How do I recognise single-use deposit products?
How much is the deposit?

A deposit of 25 cents is levied on each container at point of sale.

Where can I return single-use deposit containers?

Single-use deposit containers are collected at all sales outlets at which they are sold. This excludes drinks vending machines and post & parcel deliverers. Joint collection points can also be set up in busy areas (e.g. shopping centres or shopping streets). Collection is processed either manually or via reverse vending machines.

In the case of manual collection, the operators only have to collect the drinks containers in the usual sales volume and filling volume.

 Example: A bakery sells only beverages of brand X in 0.5 litres PET bottles. Therefore, 0.5 litre PET bottles are collected, but also those of brands Y and Z. Thus aluminium cans or PET bottles in other sizes are not collected.

What needs to be the condition of the bottle or can for the deposit reimbursed?

The prerequisite for reimbursement of the deposit is that the container is empty, not crushed and that the label is fully present on the container and legible. This is the only way to identify whether the container is a bottle or can that is managed in the deposit cycle.

If the container is rejected, the deposit cannot be reimbursed. Please dispose of the container in the nearest yellow bin or yellow bag.

What needs to be the condition of the bottle or can for the deposit reimbursed?
Kann ich jetzt schon Einweggetränkeverpackungen sammeln und ab 2025 für 25 Cent zurückgeben?

Nein, denn für das Einwegpfandsystem erhalten alle Flaschen und Dosen neue Strichcodes und werden mit dem Pfandlogo gekennzeichnet. Nur diese werden von Rückgabeautomaten erkannt bzw. von den manuellen Rücknehmern zurückgenommen und die 25 Cent ausbezahlt.

Further questions

Why a single-use deposit?

PET and aluminium are important recyclables: currently in Austria, however, only around 70% of all single-use PET bottles are collected after use and returned to the recycling cycle.



Starting in 2025, a collection rate of 80% should be achieved; by 2027, the collection target of 90% should have been reached.

High-quality recycling

High-quality recycling

The deposit system enables the high-quality recycling of containers so that the recycled material can be used for new PET bottles and aluminium cans.



PET and aluminium are valuable secondary raw materials. By collecting them through the deposit system, virtually uncontaminated recyclables are available for the recycling process.

Circular economy

Circular economy

The PET and aluminium can be retained as a resource in the recycling cycle and there is no "downcycling" (downcycling = the conversion of a product in a lower-quality end product).

In this way, old bottles and cans can become new containers.

No littering

No littering

The deposit avoids the thoughtless discarding of single-use drinks containers in the environment.

Who is EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich gGmbH?

Who is EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich gGmbH?

EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich gGmbH is a central body that takes care of all organisational and structural agendas of the single-use deposit system. 

The owner of the central body is Trägerverein Einwegpfand, whose members include leading beverage producers, retail partners and related associations.


Apart from establishing the logistics that ensure the collection of all PET bottles and beverage cans throughout Austria, processing for all producers and collectors will be built up and the reverse vending machines prepared for participation in the deposit system by 2025.