For companies

For companies

All producers and importers of single-use drinks containers who sell their products in Austria must register themselves and their products in advance via EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich gGmbH.

Registration will be possible from summer 2024. Further details on the registration process will be posted here shortly.

Info sheets   Producer's Guide

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An wen werden bepfandete Einweggetränkeverpackungen verkauft/geliefert?

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Ihre zugewiesene Rolle

Keine Rolle im Pfandsystem
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Freiwilliger Rücknehmer
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Erstinverkehrsetzer = Registrierung im Portal
Letztvertreiber = grundsätzlich zur Rücknahme verpflichtet

Ihre zugewiesenen Rollen



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siehe Regelung für Verwendung von internationalen GTINs

Ihre zugewiesene Rolle

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Ihre zugewiesene Rolle

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Siehe Exportregelung

Ihre zugewiesene Rolle

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Siehe Infoblatt „Bevollmächtigter“

Ihre zugewiesene Rolle


The deposit cycle for companies in detail

The deposit cycle for companies in detail
The deposit cycle for companies in detail
  1. The producers always sell the beverages to their retail partners inclusive of the 25-cent deposit.
  2. For all products sold, the collected deposit is paid to Recycling Pfand Österreich on a regular basis.
  3. Recycling Pfand Österreich is responsible for collecting and sorting the empty PET bottles and cans.
  4. The collected material can then be purchased again from Recycling Pfand Österreich pro rata.
  5. The collected material is commissioned by the producers for recycling and can then be used again for bottles or cans.
learn more

Good to know

  • All producers and importers of single-use drinks containers who sell their products in Austria must register themselves via Recycling Pfand Österreich.
    Registration is required for the levying of the statutory producer contributions.
  • Each beverage (=SKU) in a single-use PET bottle or can must be registered with Recycling Pfand Österreich so that it can subsequently be identified by the reverse vending machine and manual collectors.
  • From 2025, the sale of unregistered products in Austria is prohibited.
  • The deposit logo must be placed on containers subject to deposit so that consumers can clearly identify that the product is involved in the deposit cycle.
  • Full information and precise specifications will be available in the producer manual.
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Special features

Special features

International EAN codes

By definition, all products that are subject to the deposit and sold in Austria must visibly display the deposit logo. This means: imported goods are also charged the deposit and must also be labelled. International GTIN codes (formerly EAN) are permitted.

Small product batches

For small batches and imported goods, there is the possibility to place stickers on the products. Details on this will be summarised in a separate manual. This will be available from 2024.

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Das Produzenten-Handbuch
